The Nussbaum Day Care Nursery staff are trained education professionals; they are supported in their work by trainees and interns who look after the children with plenty of joy and a big heart and acting in a professional manner.
We place a great deal of importance on the solid education and ongoing training of our carers.
Angela Nursery Leader
«"Growth happens when we work together, support each other, and learn from one another."»
Michaela Group Leader
«"Children are the little stars that light up our world."»
Ciara Group Leader
«"Children are the bridge builders of the future."»
Luzia Teaching Assistant
«"Children are the joy of the world – their laughter makes everything brighter."»
Seraina Temporary help
«Children are like flowers. You have to bow down to them if you want to understand them.»
Corinne Apprentice
«"Small steps, big dreams – together we grow, hand in hand!"»
Fiona Apprentice
«Stimulating life - and then letting it develop freely - this is the first task of an educator»
Flavia Apprentice
«"In children, one experiences their own life again and only now understands it completely."»
Jérôme Trainee
«"Children are like butterflies – they fly in all directions, but always with their own wings."»
Justin Trainee
«"Children are the explorers of the world – full of curiosity and joy for what lies ahead."»